Use the form below to apply for loan approval. Your application does not come with any obligations and can't affect your credit rating.

  • Loan info
  • Contact
  • Household
  • Finish

Loan information:

Step 1

How much do you want to borrow? $5,000
What will you be using your loan for?

Contact Information:

Step 2 of 4

Household information:

Step 3 of 4

Credit authorization:

I agree

I/We hereby authorize Pacific Boat Brokers, Inc., its designee, assigns or potential assigns to review his/her personal credit profile provided by national credit bureaus in considering this application and for the purpose of updating, renewing, extending additional credit or the collection of any late account. I/We hereby authorize our references to release all credit information and I/We represent and warrant that the information submitted herein is true, complete and accurate. A facsimile, electronic or other copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.


Step 4 of 4


Your loan application has been successfully submitted